1. Tell us about yourself! (your name, your age, what you do etc)
Hi! I'm Danielle, from Sometimes Sweet (http://sometimessweet.blogspot.com). I'm a 27-year old high school English teacher, living in the small town of Prescott, AZ with my darling husband Hank and our Boston Terrier Madeline. In my free time I love to do anything active- work out, go running, etc. I also really love to read and consider myself a huge bookworm. I really, really love to cook and bake, and I'm looking forward to becoming a mom in the future.
2. What kind of crafts (or other hobbies) are you into right now?
I follow so many blogs where my amazing friends create such lovely things! As for me, I don't craft very much, but I do love to take photographs. If I had to pick a hobby of mine that is closest to crafting that would be it. Sometimes I wish I knew how to knit or crochet, so I think maybe that is something I should explore in 2010!
3. What are some of your current obsessions?
Hmmm...well I would have to say that currently I am SO into re-watching LOST episodes to review for one of my most anticipated nights coming up...the last season premiere! Such a LOST nerd. Outside of mind-numbing goodness, I've been really, really into baking and cooking lately. Winter has a way of making me a bit more domestic and happy to spend hours in the kitchen. As far as fashion, I've been obsessing over shoes lately- I've recently taken to wearing oxford type footwear and it makes me quite happy. And as always, dresses are on my mind.
4. What is one of your crafty goals (or other goals) for 2010?
Well, like I said before I would LOVE to become more crafty in a tangible, "I knitted this!" sort of way. Plus, when my hubby and I have babies I want to be able to create adorable little hats and other items. So with that said, I am hoping to learn how to knit. Anyone want to teach me? ;)
5. What makes your blog special and why should we read it?
My blog is really all about my life. I am a really open person and I share a lot of day to day stories and things I've gone through with my readers. I never intended it to have a following of sorts, but I adore this blog community and I really love that my blog has grown to be a little part of it.
6. Name your 5 favorite blogs! (with the links so I can link them)
I read so many blogs and it is SO hard to pick just five, and I hate to leave anyone out! I wish I could include a million! But, here are some of my all-time favorites- besides this one of course! :)

I really like reading Danielle's blog! Since my husband is a teacher I like to hear about her teaching experience. :)
ReplyDeleteLove her! One of my fave blogs to read, fo sho!