30 May 2012

Project Life Week 15, 16, and 17 Flashback

Week 15 was an emotional week filled with a lot of ups and downs.  Some of the spaces are blurred out for  this reason :)
I wanted to try breaking a large photo up into sections to create the BIG photo look here.  I used a tutorial from Elise that made it sooo easy.
I will let the photos tell the rest :)

Week 16 included my first week back to school since my maternity leave started, a major hair cut, a baby shower for Amelia and I thrown by my co-workers, a few DIY projects and a lot of reading.
I received the sweetest card from a co-worker that was special and needed to be kept so I slipped it into one of the pockets.
I did blur out one little pocket because of some personal writing there :)

Next up is week 17.  Week 17 was another great week.  I decided I wanted to try my hand at cross-stitch and made a little heart that I placed in one of the pockets.  I attended a baby shower for my sister and Jack and we got our CD's with the photos from our two photo shoots!!

The first insert is Amelia's Birth Announcement and one of the envelops that I decorated to send them in.

The back of that insert is just the backs of the announcement and the envelope :)

The second insert is of photos from Amelia's birth night that Jodie took!!
We had just gotten the CD's with all 100 photos from the night.  I did a quick front and back spread of some of the highlights from the night :)

Since I had to start a new album for the next few months of my Project Life (Vol. 2), I was stuck with an end page in Vol. 1.  After I saw this page,  I knew that it was EXACTLY what I wanted to do with my end page. (BTW- Her blog is amazing and her Project Life pages are really inspiring so you should totally check her out :D)
So, here is the end page of my Vol. 1 album for Project Life:

I think I am pretty much caught up with all of my flashback posts.  We are currently in week 22 of this project and its most definitely the best project, like this, that I have ever participated in.
Adam even told me that my Project Life albums were a treasure :)


Would you like to know more about Project Life? You can read all about it here. You can also check out more of my Project Life pages right here!

29 May 2012

3 months

3 months.

Best three months of my life.
*  she has complete neck and head control, all of the time.
*  she is constantly trying to talk.  She watches our mouths when we talk and then tries to copy it.
*  Her "I love you" sounds like "ah la oo"  I know it's what she means because when we say I love you, that is what she always says back.
*  she squeals with delight A LOT
*  she is doing this thing where she will scream as loud as she can and then laugh and then do it over and over.
*  she has been in her little pool twice and loves it.
*  she still loves baths.
*  she is LEGIT sleeping 12 hours straight at night.  We feed her at 7:15, she's asleep by 8:00 pm and she wakes up at 8:00 am every single day...we are blessed!!
* she has switched from newborn formula to infant formula.
*  She doesn't have a pediatrician appointment until her 4 month checkup so Im not sure on her weight and height unfortunately.
*  she is wearing a 2 in diapers.
* she smiles and laughs constantly.
*  She even smiles in her sleep :)
*  my favorite time of day is when I am feeding her and she stares at me.
* she is the love of my life

P.S. Don't forget to vote :) All it takes it two little clicks. Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Top Baby Blogs!!

Just a short while ago, I decided to add this blog to the Top Baby Blog directory.  With our adoption just getting started and my brain kicking into baby mode, I thought it would be fun to try out and to meet like minded bloggers.
Little did I know,  my little blog would top the charts at #4 by the end of our first cycle on the list and #7 during the second cycle.  I think that is pretty amazing considering the fact that there are almost 3000 blogs total in the directory.
There are no "prizes" for being on top, and there are no "perks" either.  The one thing that I cherished from being on top was meeting so many awesome people, moms, and adoptive parents.
It has been a blessing for our little family.  
I also enjoy the traffic that it brings to Run With Scissors and the sweet giveaways I am able to offer you all.
That is why I am asking you, just this once, if you could please hop on over and vote for us.
If every reader of this blog voted, just once, we would be #1.  
All you have to do, to vote, is click on this banner below

and then the owl on the left.
That is it.
You can vote every single day if you want.
Each vote is appreciated. Each comment you leave, each message, each friendship...a blessing.

Vote for us!
Vote for Amelia :)
Thank you so much for blessing us and for taking a minute out of your day to do this.


P.S. Don't forget to vote :) All it takes it two little clicks. Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

28 May 2012

May Sponsor Spotlight

Happy End of May!
I seriously can't believe how quickly this month has flown by and that it's almost June.
As I mentioned before, I will no longer be accepting ad spaces for Run With Scissors so this is the last Sponsor Spotlight!
Be sure to take some time and check out our amazing May sponsors.

So much cuteness and so much inspiration!!
Thank you all for supporting Run With Scissors this month.


P.S. Don't forget to vote :) All it takes it two little clicks. Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs


Happy Memorial Day everyone!!
We had a great day at my parent's house with my whole family.
We barbecued and had good family time.  
I had a chance to look at my Instagram feed and there are soooo many photos of Amelia that I just love (duh!)

* a family walk with A's new carrier

* her Memorial day dress 

* a cute little random face

* Harajuku Baby in her little pool.

*  rocking the leg warmers

* being the best little paper weight ever

* and another fun day in the pool in the back yard.

Also, really quick, after looking through my blog last night I realized that my blog is for me, and for documenting my life.  It's for making new friends and sharing with old friends. It's so many things.  I decided that I am not going to be offering ad spaces anymore. Making money is not what I want this blog to be about.  After this month, no more ad spaces...sorry!

P.S. Don't forget to vote :) All it takes it two little clicks. Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

27 May 2012

Project LIfe Week 13 and 14 Flashback

Week 13 was a full week.
This week included gardening, a baby shower, and The Hunger Games.
I used an insert to document my lovely Bee themed shower that my sister threw for Amelia.

And here is Week 14 too.
This was my birthday week!!  

These pages are so fun to look back on!  I hope one day Amelia will look back on all of these pages and enjoy seeing them!!


Would you like to know more about Project Life? You can read all about it here. You can also check out more of my Project Life pages right here!

a celebration.

My mom took my sister, Amelia, and I to the American Girl Store and Bistro to celebrate Amelia and her spot in our family.  The day was amazing.  The whole experience was a childhood dream come true.

They gave Amelia and her little Bitty Baby the prettiest little crowns to wear during the lunch.

My sister and I even had our childhood American Girls for the celebration.  It was really cute :)

At the end, they brought Amelia out a little cake and THE WHOLE store sang "Happy Adpoption to You" to Amelia.  It was the most special little moment ever.

I hope this little girl knows how much of a blessing she is to all of us and just how much we love her.


P.S. Don't forget to vote :) All it takes it two little clicks. Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs