31 May 2010

more hearts!

Here are some more pictures from weheartit that make me happy when skies are grey :)
I have a folder on my desktop that I save these images in. This way, when I need a smile or a boost of inspiration...they are right there!
Take a look:

That is a lot of pictures eh?
I also want to take a second to apologize for being so bad a leaving comments on all of your blogs :( In order to get better, I am going to start leaving comments on everyone's blogs who leave a comment on this blog of mine. Like a comment trade. I have noticed a decline in the comments on this blog and it makes me sad. It kind of reminds me how important comments are when you have a blog so I definitely want to be better at leaving love on the blogs of my friends.
So, comment trade?
Alright, I am going to get back to crocheting and watching Harry Potter!

Happy Memorial Day!


Who are you remembering today?

29 May 2010

best day ever.

thumbs up for sure!
Today was amazing. That is the only word to describe it :)
an amazing morning with the husband.
A massage.
a perfect breakfast.
Then off to the market to get food for a picnic.
I wore a cute summer dress and it made me sooo happy.

We weren't sure where to picnic so we drove.
and drove.
and drove.
We ended up about a 20 minutes away from home at a teeny tiny park that we stumbled upon called Meditation park.

It was darling.
We layed out on my favorite quilt and soaked up the sun, took polaroids of each other and ate.

We laughed
We shared how blessed we felt to have found each other.
I love being in love.

After the picnic, we walked a bit and sat on a park bench and watched a waterfall.
To our surprise, we found a geocache under a boulder by the waterfall, BONUS!!
We drove home and I fell asleep reading while Adam watched Invictus.
I did some art journaling...
I started on a new huge painting...

I decided that I needed sun-screen, for the pool, so we hopped in the car to run to Walgreens.
On the way to Walgreens we decided to instead go to the movies to see SATC 2.
I loved it.
He liked it.
They had soft pretzels at the movie theatre so it was even MORE perfect.
After the movie, I got my sunscreen.
Now Im home with the most amazing husband ever and the sweetest dog, blogging to my most favorite people in the world and eating a chocolate cookie with red, white, and blue sprinkles.
Does it get better than this?
I am blessed :)
i really really love you.
P.S. I have decided to not straighten my hair for a long time. I want to say the whole summer but I don't want to lie to you. That may not happen :) I am embracing my fro and I loooove it.
What do you think?

P.S.S. I need these sunglasses but in a knock-off afordable version.

anyone? anyone?
I would love you forever.
ok, night loves.

28 May 2010

my home a-z

(image source)
* I've seen this little survey on a few peoples blogs and I am bored enough to do it myself this morning :) So, here are interesting things about my home from A-Z.

A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: 73 F

B- My BEDROOM theme is: vintage, eclectic, amazing :)

C- The CAR in the driveway is: a silver honda civic

D- My DESK looks: pretty clean :) I cleaned it last night.

E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: It was 7:00 am but now it will be probably 9ish :)

F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: my hair

G- My GARAGE is filled with: I don't have one! I have a car-port and it has firewood and a cabinet with car washing supplies in it :)

H- My HOME is: a condo but It's magazine worthy I think. It is soooooo adorable.

I- If you peeked INSIDE my bathroom you'd see: pink!! and the coolest washer and dryer ever!

J- My favorite JUICE is: grape

K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: Ok, my kitchen is the one room that I hate. I would say I have a nice refrigerator though :) This summer it is getting completely re-done and then I will love it.

L- The LAST person who visited my home was: The census lady.

M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: Jenny's flat iron being sent back to me because she moved :) ha!

N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm: loud? maybe? I don't know, I'll have to ask them :)

O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: water, diet dr, pepper, lots of fruits and vegetables.

P- My last house PARTY was: I seriously think the last party I had at my house was for my 25th birthday. Hello five years ago. I think I need to have a party :)

Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: pasta

R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: living room

S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: natural instincts

T- My largest TELEVISION is: in the living room, it was my grandmas and it is sooooo awesome.

U- UNDER my bed you will find: nothing. My matress is sitting on the floor so I can't put anything under there.

V- The last time I VACUUMED was: ??? I don't know! Adam usually does the vaccuuming.

W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: trees and sunshine and happiness

X- I wish I had X-TRA: space and rooms!

Y- My YARD is: the woods

Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is:between 12 and 1.

Ok, that was a fun little filler. Did you learn anything new about me :)

27 May 2010

10 cute projects!!

One of my other most favorite things about blogs are the cute D.I.Y tutorials and downloadable freebies that I find on a weekly basis. I was looking through my "starred items" in my google reader and decided it would be cool to share with you some of my more recent cute project finds!!

So, here are 10 really cute projects that I found online:

1. I absolutely adore this nautical-inspired tank-top re-fashion.

I will definitely be making one of these this summer :)
You can check out the tutorial here.

2. Pugly Pixel always has cuuuute downloads.

I love this washi tape download but you should definitely check out her back posts to see all of the other cute ones. I have them all :)

3. I want to make a surprise ball soooo much! These are amazing!

I think I would actually rather buy one but it seems east enough to make and I can't even imagine how much fun these would be to open! Definitely check out this blog post with a video of one being opened and all of the magic it entails :)

4. Here is an awesome DIY on how to turn a nesting doll into a pin cushion!

love love

5. Here is a great link to tons of computer/wallpaper/blog/twitter backgrounds!
And here is another link to another stash of backgrounds!

I think it's time for me to switch up my twitter background soon :)

6. I am the complete opposite of a cat person BUT I love this little house D.I.Y. and I know that it would work the same with a sweet little chihuahua in it :)

Here is the tutorial on how to make it :)

7. Free mustache embroidery pattern anyone?? yes please!!

I can think of sooo many possibilities for these beauties :)

8. A tote bag tutorial from Rachel Denbow :)

I will be making a bag like this with cute waterproof material so that I can take it to the pool with me this summer. I love everything about this one!! Isn't that fabric amazing?

9. I am a firm believer that paper chains are a year-round must have. I have them all over my classroom and decorating the hallways at my school. They are pure magic to me. Here are some cute downloadable and printable "chains" with cutie pie patterns that you can use to create your own paper chains.

The button ones are my favorite :)

10. I'm not going to lie, I want like 1,000 of these!! I am a total recycle freak and I think that these are too stinking cute!

Here is the link to the tutorial on how to make these cute recycle awareness ribbons.

So, if you decide to make any of these things or create anything with the downloads, I would love to see. I would also love to check out any cute links that you have to tutorials or free downloads of things that you love!
Have a great Friday friends and a looooong weekend.
Tomorrow, most likely, entails a picnic with my mr. and SATC two!! I'm excited.
i love you.


it's the last day of school!!!
It really is kind of sad though too, saying by two my sweet fifth graders.
Anwyay, here are some more of my journal pages.
First though, I painted the cover of my journal last night and added the title with wood-grain contact paper.

sweet and simple :)
And here are some pages.
This prompt was all about a memory.
I used a picture that I took when Adam, my mom, my sister and I traveled up to Mass last summer. It was such an amazing trip, full of many little adventures along the way.

This picture was from a field of yellow wild flowers. It's hard to tell in the photo, but the memory is ingrained in my mind forever, it was so beautiful. We had gotten lost somewhere in Pennsylvania and turned a corner to find this :) I knew we were lost for a reason and it was to see this field :)
Today's journal prompt was another, "Today felt.." prompt.

I focused on today being the last day of school and the bittersweet emotions that came along with that. Trust the emotions are waaaaay more sweet than bitter :) I used this cute vintage book page of a boy painting and added some details myself. The rest is done with Japanese washi tape and more wood-grain contact paper.
I usually have my art journal with me at all times and occasionally I will have students ask if they can look through it. I have two fourth grade girl who have become obsessed with the idea of art journaling and created journals of their own!!! I love it.
This is why I teach :)
I told them that I had to have a picture of their journals for my blog and they were so excited.
Look how cute these are:

The pages inside the journals are soo adorable too! They are so creative :)
Ok, happy last day of school.
i love you.