Ohmygoodness, the bathroom is completely finished and I am officially in love with it :) There are a few other decor aspects that I want to add but other than that...this room is finished!!
It's so gorgeous and wonderful and perfect :)
And here is the progress that we have made in the kitchen:
As soon as we finish the tiled backsplash, the kitchen will be done too!!
Did I mention that this whole renovation was a gift from my aunt and uncle??
Yeah, not only are they skilled, they are totally generous and kind and loving.
It's their ministry, and Adam and I could not feel more blessed by this renovation.
Ok, enough blogging, I need to get back to cleaning and organizing!!
Also, check out my sponsor spots over on the right hand side bar!! These sponsors will be up all through August so be sure to click on the links and check out their cute blogs and shops!! I still have a few spots available so if you are interested, here is the info!! How is your weekend treating you so far?