For real!!
Don't you just have an overly abundant feeling of blessed after holidays.
Blessed with our families
Blessed with our friends
Blessed with good fellowship
Blessed with cards and gifts
Blessed with love.
What an amazing feeling,
I also won another awesome give-a-way
I won a new blog header (which is not the one you are seeing right now :D)
What a blessing
from a friend (who is such a blessing)
You should totally check out
her blog), follow it and leave a comment :)

She was the one who I saw everyday at work (we used to work together) always positive happy and at peace, through struggles and all. She had it, and I wanted it :) She gave me a Bible for my birthday and the rest is history. I owe her more than she knows :)
Seriously her blog is awesome, her family is awesome, her "chocolate chip" (her and her husband adopted sweet little Elliot from Guatemala about 3 years ago) is the cutest thing ever, and her husband makes awesome music and really rad blog headers :) sweeet!!
Can you tell I am excited :)
Yesterday, my mom, my sister, and I headed out for after Christmas sales at 6:00 AM. My sister is for real when it comes to this my friends :) I love it!! I didn't come away with much but I got a bunch of little things that I needed for ridiculously loooow prices.
I also got a frame for my Rob Ryan.
I little Christmas tea party set
The cuuuuute Christmas nesting dolls from Target:

and like 8 boxes of Flad flex force trash bags that were a dollar because they were Christmas scented. Girl Please!!
And of course some other things too that I can't even remember.
I even went to a mall which I probably haven't done in over a year!! It was insane.
Anyway, we had a lot of fun and seriously I loooove watching my sister get so into it :)
Which leads me to today, after Christmas shopping Part 2.
I have no money to spend, again I am going for moral support and fun times with my mom and sister.
I also have toooons of organizing and putting away to do tonight. I am honestly also in the mood to take down Christmas trees. Just the trees though because I feel like everything else is just a wintery decoration so I can keep a lot of it up.
I am in dire need to do something creative. Four days in a row without creating a single thing is driving me crazy, and leaving me very un-motivated (hense the tweet about wanting to quit blogging).
I need to get some inspiration STAT!
Adam's heart seems to be acting up more than it's not so that puts a lot of stress on the both of us too :( I can not wait for the surgery and for things to get back to normal for him.
Ok, this post seems a little A-D-D so I better get off now and continue to get ready for another day at the mall. Yikes!!
love you all soooooo much.
You are a blessing to me :)
P.S. If I can get 10 more followers before the end of the year, a HUMUNGOUS give-a-way is a promise :) Love you!