(I can't find my Friday postcard)!!!
Today is my sister in law, Faith's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Faith. We were able to be "there" with Skype through the party which was soooo awesome. Here are some screen shots that I captured during the birthday party :)
Today is my sister in law, Faith's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Faith. We were able to be "there" with Skype through the party which was soooo awesome. Here are some screen shots that I captured during the birthday party :)

** I just wanted to say a quick thank you those of you who purchased the pin-cushion rings from my Etsy :) You have no idea how much it means to Me and Adam and really, how much it helps. I really appreciate it!!! There are definitely more rings available so if you still wanted to get one, please do :)
*Also, don't forget about the give-a-way (a few posts down) that ends on Sunday morning!!!
** Oh and, I made a quilt today for my nephew. It is soooo stinking cute and I loooove it!! (I'll post pics tomorrow). I hope he loves it too! This may be a silly question but if he is Adam's nephew, he's my nephew too right?? Not my nephew in law. Right?
Ok, I am off to an early bed time. I am soooo tired and I have lots of garage sales to hit tomorrow and a bridal shower to plan! Night loves!
Happy Weekend.