Yesterday was a really great day all around.
We started off the day with Cardboard Testimonies at church. If you aren't sure what they are, you should google it, they are really powerful and neat. Adam and I had a great testimony to share this time so it was exciting to be a part of it.
After church, my lovely friend Haley called to tell me that her and her honey, Blake were engaged!!!
(photo stolen from her blog)
I was so excited because they were in town so they shot over to our house so I could congratulate them and so that they could meet Amelia.
Amelia loved her auntie Haley so much (and Blake too).
After our little visit my sister and I went to dinner at the Schlafly Tap Room before the Florence and the Machine concert.
So, once we got to the show, we met up with our friend Katie and hung out a bit in the lounge. I saw this girl approach two women and hand them these lanyards.
Me being me, I walked over and chatted her up and scored 4 backstage meet and greet VIP passes to meet Florence!!
It was awesome.
Then, I realized it would be a fun engagement surprise for Haley and Blake too (who were also going to the show) so I asked the woman if I could have just two more passes and she did! So I called Haley and they ran (literally) to the Peabody Opera House for the meet and great. It was amazing.
Now, Here is the part where I share a bazillion iPhone pics from the night :) And they are in random order, but who cares, because it was THAT awesome!
Florence was so cute! Her sweet little Brittish accent was adorable. She was super nice and personable. She says that she loves American books because we put such nice paper in them :) That's the one thing I remember her saying.
Good times were had by all.
Good times were had by all.
The show was lovely and I had so much fun with my sweet sweet friends Jane and Katie and of course the best sister ever, Nicole.
Plus, I met FLORENCE!!!
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