15 June 2009

new blog buttons :)

Sweet sweet Ashley, made some Blog buttons for my new blog :) I love her so much! She is wicked talented. I double triple dog dare you to add my button to your blog. I will be your best friend. If you do put it on your blog, leave me a comment and let me know and there may be a special little surprise in it for you!!

How cute is that for real?? Running Scissors!


  1. Awesome!!! I want one!!! lol
    (One of my own but of course I'm going to add yours!!!)

  2. LOL - reallly glad you like it! And, duh! Of course I'm adding it to my blog! <3

  3. I added you, love! =D

  4. There isn't a working code to add it. I tried and nothing shows.

  5. Never mind....I guess I had to scroll down to get the rest of the code. Really I'm not a Dork...LOL! I've added you.

  6. I am going to add it...too cute! Fell better take care of that ankle.

  7. Added it to ma blog. Love it.

  8. i love the button! i'll add it to my blog in just a few seconds. i love your blog, and i think inviting guest blogging for your inspirational monday was a brilliant idea!

  9. So cute!! I just dded it to my blog.


Thank you so much for commenting!! xo