12 May 2009

Indie Love and a GIVE-A-WAY!!

I found this picture on Vivs Flickr!! I love it!! We are sooooo indie right? Ha!
Speaking of indie, since it's kind of my nickname (by association to Indie Husband), I feel like I NEED this from the RVA store. Her name is Indie!!!

(hint hint Indie Hutband)!!
Ok, so now for the GIVE-A-WAY!!!!
I am actually stealing this idea from Jari!! I am in need of a new blog header, majorly! Ever since my blog got a make-over, it has been header-less. A super cool blog like this needs a super cool blog header. So, I will leave this give-a-way open for a week. Next Tuesday, I will reveal a winner and a prize for the winner. It will be good, I promise. If you would like to submit a header or two, please leave me a comment or send me an email!
I am soooo excited to see what great things you all come up with. I really appreciate any submissions:)
Thanks loves <3


  1. Haha...too cute! Just shot you an email :)

  2. Anonymous12 May, 2009

    Hey! I would love to work on a blog header for you! Just let me know what I need to do!

  3. Janel,
    I would love to work with you on creating a blog header or more. Shoot me an email to vball_chic14@yahoo.com.

    I have lots of ideas and can't find your email anywhere!



Thank you so much for commenting!! xo