22 July 2010

i heart these sisters!

Another amazing way to help us with our adoption!!
Check this out :

"Hi everyone, we are a team of sisters, who have a huge love a friendship bracelets and great causes. So we are combining both! We are selling our heart bracelets for $5.00 and donating $2.00 to Janel's adoption! We think its amazing how everyone is pooling together and we want to be apart of this amazing cause! So, if you are interested in what we are talking about, you can email us at justinelynn19@gmail.com with how many you would like, and 2 colors, but make sure you let us know what color you want your heart :). When we email you we will let you know how many days it will take until we can ship! And shipping is 41 cents! After we make the bracelet we will send you a picture, and if it is up to your liking we will send you the invoice!
Seriously, don't you just love how they look like hearts in there!!  My friendship bracelets were never that cool.  I seriously love these so much.  I have already ordered one for me and one for Adam as well.
I just wanted to thank these two lovely ladies for their love and support in helping us build our family!!


  1. Ugh! They are soo sweet and that heart bracelet is just soo cute!

  2. Love the new blog and love reading about all of your joy and happiness on this exciting adventure you are on!

  3. that is such a cute idea. i love this! i just placed an order for two :)

  4. also sent you a donation! it's not much but it's what i can afford right now and i really wanted to help!

  5. That is so nice of them! I'm going to try and get a few of these.

    By the way, I love the new layout. ^_^

  6. Praise the Lord! That is so sweet of them to do this and the bracelet is too stinkin cute!!!

  7. I ordered 3 :) for me, my sis, and my brother!
    They are so awesome! I can't wait to get em!

  8. those are the cutest bracelets! and such a nice gesture from the girls. its truly heartwarming to see such kind people :)

  9. Anonymous27 July, 2010

    I just requested three, they are too cute!! I love all the sweet people pitching in to help, best of luck with everything!

  10. justine is the best! & i just saw your donation thing. sorry i've been so slow lately. i know i'm late on this but your blog is so pretty!


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