03 July 2010

Prompt 21

Journal Prompt 21:  What is your most favorite quote?  A quote that inspires you, or your mantra.  I literally have 4 journals from college filled with quotes that inspire me and make me smile.  Today is the day to share your inspiring words with your friends :)

My page:

One of my most favorite quotes is the one above, by Anne Frank :)  What an inspiring little girl :)  Can you imagine living through what she did and saying the above?  Through all of the bad she said, "Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy."  
Amazing <3


  1. That really is inspiring. Yikes, I kinda feel guilty for whining so much. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to go write that one down.

  2. hi!
    I gave you a blog award!


  3. Thats one of my favorite quotes as well, almost all the Anne frank quotes :D

  4. Ann in Wonderland04 July, 2010

    Great prompt! I could fill a whole journal of these. In fact, that just may be my next journal project. :D

  5. here is my entry: http://dindintattat.blogspot.com/2010/07/30-day-journal-challenge-17-20-21.html
    I really enjoy doing these journal pages, thanks for the inspiration! :)


Thank you so much for commenting!! xo