Here are the details that I am copying from Viv's blog:
(I have copied the following from Ali Edwards blog. These are not my words, but hers)
1. Take photos. Commit to keeping your camera with you throughout the day. Capture everything. Capture things that may seem silly or dumb. Capture the normal. Capture little things. Capture your environment. Here's a couple questions I ask myself or I keep in mind as I am going about this project: what's my daily routine, where did I go, who did I see, what do I do, what does the inside of my home look like, where do I spend the most time, etc. Capture stuff that you use everyday: your computer, a coffee mug, a favorite pair of shoes, a book, etc. Make sure to take a photo of yourself each day. See the list of possible photos below.
2. Upload photos. Take a bit of time each evening to upload your photos for the day. You can use this time to eliminate duplicate shots and if you are really on top of things you could print them out or upload them to your favorite developer to have them ready to create with the following week.
3. Designate a place for notes. Have a notebook or a couple sheets of paper set aside to jot down notes, stories, things to remember about each day. Don't make this complicated. Don't run out and buy a new notebook. The back of some junk letters, the leftover pages in a journal you have always meant to get around to, etc. You simply need somewhere to write down notes over the course of the day.
4. Take notes. Once you set up something to write on, do the writing. What should you write? Thoughts you have during the day, things your kids or your boss or your partner say, things you notice (simple and profound), what you ate, etc. Go for the basics. These notes will be transferred into your album when the time comes. See more about recording the story under the category heading below.
5. Designate a place to store life-stuff. Part of the process is collecting bits and pieces of your life over the course of the week. For this I recommend setting up an envelope or folder for each day. You may use some of this stuff and you may not. I tend to keep things like receipts, handwritten notes, etc. These will be companions to your photos + words.
** Check out Viv's day one here, and Jamie's day one here.
** I am soooo stoaked. My camera is big so it's not something that I am going to be carrying around everywhere unfortunately so I think that I will do this challenge with my phone. This means that my pictures may not actually be the best quality but it will still be sooooo much fun!!
** I was going to start the challenge yesterday but as you know from my last post, yesterday was a bit crazy. So, I am starting today and working until next Monday.
Here is Day one of "A Week in the Life of Janel:"

I woke up to this little sweetness sleeping next to me in bed :)

Work. Being an elementary art teacher is the best job ever <3

This is a poster that I have hanging in my classroom. It is definitely one of my favorites because believe it or not, kiddos can be super dramatic. Well, the best part of my day is when a group of fourth grade girls were working on their projects at their tables, while also having tons of drama (you know the good ole Im not going to be your friend if you don't...) So, all of a sudden I hear one of the girls who had been sitting quietly, listening to all of this, turn to the others and yell"Dang!! You all need some llamas in your life so I don't have to be hearing all of this!"
Yes! Quote of the day :) Wish I had it on tape :)

Did some crocheting when I came home from work

sipped my new favorite drink of choice...caramel apple cider with whipped!

embroidering some Day of the Dead decor

journaled <3

snuggling with Adam under our favorite quilt (from his mom) while we watch Biggest Loser.

keeping tabs on my baby's heart rate :)
** Today is coming to an end, if anything exciting happens I will come back and add to it :)
Tomorrow my goal is to remember to take notes and collect things too!
Good night for now lovely-cakes <3
I love that your day is filled with art all day! and I've said this before but your puppy is just too precious!!
ReplyDeletei love the fourth-grader quote. loveitloveitloveit!
ReplyDeleteand your caramel apple spice looks delicious!
Yes, the quote is the best and I want one of those posters or need to find it on a t-shirt.
ReplyDeleteGetting ready to upload my day 2! I did much better today!
hahaha best fourth grader quote ever. that poster is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteyay! you did sooo good on your first day. Miss you.
ReplyDeletetell indie that I have been keeping him in my thoughts
I loved how you had a Dove candy bar sitting in the picture with your embroidery!
Also loved the "quote of the day" lol!
ohhh, i'm doing it too!! love yours so far!
ReplyDeletei loove your photos... i want to live a week in YOUR life!! :D