08 April 2011

you are my sunshine...

When I was a baby, this was my jam :)
I used this song and would change the words to incorporate my favorite things.
Some of these went like, "You are my orange juice, my only orange juice," and "you are my pac-pacs (footie pajamas), my only pac-pacs."
My parents still have recordings of it and it's cute.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

So yeah, this song has a special little place in my heart.
I love all of the prints that I have found with these lyrics on etsy and I am pretty sure that when we get a house, I will have a little wall display strictly devoted to these prints.
love love love it.


  1. This was my jam when I was a kiddo too. :)

    I l-o-v-e these prints!

  2. When I was first born, my Daddy sang this song to me... and my nickname (to him) has always been 'his Sunshine'. I miss him tremendously!

  3. Such a lovely prints.
    Ant that song, I love it so much, I always sang it to my mother... :)

  4. LOVE these, i want them so badly! great post :)


  5. FREAKING LOVE THIS POST! The last one is my favorite :)!

  6. i think a wall of sunshine would be just fab...


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