06 August 2009

Leap Fearlessly <3

Today's phrase for the 'Running With Inspiration' challenge was 'Leap Fearlessly.' What a great phrase!!
I can not wait to see what Jamie comes up with!! She said that this was the one challenge that she was the most excited about :) I bet it's AMAZING!
Here is what I came up with:

Leap Fearlessly
Be bold.
Be yourself!
Be you!
Be purple in a world full of yellow :)

The button says 'Wonder Woman' on it too!! It doesn't get any more fearless than her !!
You can purchase this piece in my Esty shop right HERE! SOLD!!! THANK YOU!!
Thank you thank you for the awesome response to all of the projects that I have created so far :) I truly appreciate it. You know that bloggers live for comments right?
loooove you


  1. LOVE! I slowly falling back in love with yellow...and it's grand :)

    You girls are doing so awesome with this...everything looks so great!

  2. this is such a wonderful interpretation of the phrase.

    i love it!

  3. i like that the "message" behind it wasn't super obvious--wonderful, wonderful job.

  4. What a great idea!!!! Looooove that!!! I need this. LOL We've said that about each others the entire time. Maybe we should have just traded art???? LOL

  5. this is awesomely original, i never would have thought to do it!
    i love reading what you two are coming up with :)

  6. LOVE this challenge. Great job on your projects! I wish I was that creative. My favorite so far is BE purple in a world of yellow. AND that is has wonder woman on it. So fun!

  7. this is *really* pretty :)


Thank you so much for commenting!! xo