21 January 2012

Things I "Pin"

Usually I like to share all of my "little love" pins with you all. Lately though, I have been "pinning" so many lovely ideas in my "For the Home" pinboard. I know we will be living in our tiny home for at least another year, but a girl can dream of a bigger space and more room to decorate right?
All of these things are elements that I would LOVE to have in our home some day.  They all seem easy enough to make happen too, which is a plus.

1. The polaroid wall paired with the house plants is perfection.

2.  This is so much what I want my future kitchen to based around.

3.  Upcycling old lightbulbs into vases is so fresh and lovely and I will have to make some this summer for our balcony.

4.  As if this needs an explanation...adorable!

5.  I need another collection like I need a hole in the head but I just ADORE the look of all of these bouncy balls in this jar.  My goal is to have a lot of gorgeous, unique containers to showcase all of my little collections around our home.

6.  this door...*swoon*

7.  The Native American/southwest motif of this room is lovely and I would love a bedroom based around my Hudson Bay Blanket.

8.  And finally, this little reading nook is something that I would love to have so so much.  In fact, I don't think it would be hard to do, if I had the space to build it.  This is a must have for our next home.

Dreaming is fun.  
In the meantime, I'll just continue to work on making our little home a cozy, and meaningful place to live.

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  1. yeah! im now following you on pinterest Janel! i have a good feeling about this year for you guys:)best wishes~margo

  2. those light bulbs recycled as vases delight me! :)

  3. I love the light bulb idea and have it pinned, too :).

    I love the beautiful jars holding special collections, perfect :).

  4. In love with that 2nd photo!!

  5. Loving ALL of these! That reading nook is fantastic!

  6. Always used to try to convince my parents to put my bed in the closet for a hideaway. Not sure my husband'll be any easier to convince. Thx for sharing - I can dream...


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