02 October 2011

happiness is...

Happiness is

1.  Walking with my husband and the pups

2.  Great mail days

3. tea with my mom

4.  Great garage sale finds!
 I had this when I was little but I have never seen one without the blonde hair, blue eyed girl.  This little dark haired girl made my day :)

 All of these for 50 cents!  These will be a gift for another blog friend :)

 $10 vintage metal dollhouse! It is in perfect condition and fully stocked with furniture :)

 A vintage Black Beauty board game.  I love this so much!

 This chair and ottoman, in AMAZING condition for only $5 was my most favorite score.  I actually got it for my sister but I wish I had room for it in my house!

I also found the sweet (Dutch?) sign in the top right hand corner for our Welcome wall :)

This weekend has been wonderful.  It was exactly what I needed :)
I hope all of you have had a weekend full of happiness as well.
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  1. Those are some seriously awesome scores. I love the suitcase, the 50cent pics and the dollhouse!!
    So fun!!!!
    I see you got the snow-globe dress.
    I bet money you squealed when you opened that!!!!

  2. Seriously? Those finds are amazing!!!

  3. amazing finds! & is that tea good? I actually almost pot that same tea & tea pot today but it was kinda strange seeing a flower blooming inside my tea.

  4. I had that dollhouse love it

  5. wow, what amazing finds!! you lucked out big time! i adore your welcome wall and one day when i have a house/front hall i wish to do the same! i'd do it now but we don't have a front hallway really as we're the top floor of a house so it's just stairs.

  6. Cherie- I totally did squeal! :) And I squeal every time I look at it :)

    Sarah- The blooming tea is amazing!! It's so pretty and it tastes good. Plus, when I pour it, it goes through the filter so I don't get any petals or anything in the tea :) I was iffy the first time I had it :)

  7. I love all your collections, Janel! Ever since your post about your snow globes, I've been on the hunt for one for you from here in Hawaii. It's yours as soon as I find one!!


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