27 April 2010


(image source)
Has anyone ever tied a ribbon around their finger to remember something?
Here are some things that I want to remember today:
* to be so thankful for friends who are so willing to help Adam and I make our adoption dream come true :)
* to give a shout out to Tiphanie for sending me those awesome peg board containers from Ikea!! She made my whole month :)
* to buy like 100 glue sticks because the kids run them down soooo quickly in art class.
* to not get behind on my Tell Your Story journal pages.
* to not get discouraged by what other's think.
* Glee! is on tonight :)
* to give thanks to God
* to not wear flip flops when it's this cold outside and I have recess duty.
* that there are only 23 days left of school this year!
That sweet little bow in the above picture is my virtual reminder.
Have an amazing day!
Tomorrow I am going to post some update pictures of my "studio" space.
I am also going to post pictures of my new art journal pages.


  1. I think that I need to start tying a ribbon around my finger, I have had bad mommy brian lately! Have a wonderful day! Love ya!

  2. This is a great list! I can't wait to see your craft room now. :) I'm soo glad I could help you.

  3. yay for school almost being over! :)

  4. I love your blog. The header is so cute!


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