04 May 2012


Yesterday my mom took Amelia and I out to celebrate the fact that we are officially a Forever Family :)
We ate lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then headed next door to the new American Girl store that they built here in St. Louis.
That store was like a direct line to all of my childhood dreams.
Anyway, as a special "Gotcha Day" surprise, my mom got Amelia a Bitty Baby.  It was cool because we got to match the skin color, eye color, and hair color to match her.
They look just alike yeah?


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  1. Amelia is adorable and it's so cute how her doll is practically life-sized:)

  2. Amelia is adorable and it's so cute how her doll is practically life-sized:)

  3. Anonymous04 May, 2012

    AAAAAH! I love this! I wanted a Bitty Baby so much when I was little - I was about 6 when they came out. But instead I just grew my AG collection (4 dolls). I went to the store in NYC with college friends. It was us and a bunch of little girls. Haha!

  4. I love bitty babies! At first glance, I thought you had adopted twins haha ;)

  5. they really do look like twins. such sweetness! so glad you captured it on the camera. :)

  6. Don't they look so much alike?! I too love AG dolls. We have so many at our parent's house. Amelia will be making lots of trips to the AG store for sure :)

  7. oh my goodness, i've been waiting anxiously for the big reveal of your little girl and was so excited today to come to your blog and finally see a photo! she is too precious. congrats :)

  8. So beautifully squishy! :)

  9. My Delilah has those pjs! Adorable!

  10. So so so SWEET!! I just found your blog. Congrats on that beautiful baby of yours. Such a happy time in your life. My two year old can't sleep without her bitty baby. It is the cutest stuff. Can't wait to keep following you guys!!


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