15 May 2012

Project Life Week 19

In case you couldn't guess...I LOVE this project still.
It seriously gets more fun each and every week.  I love planning out my spreads and finding little inserts to add this week.
This week was mostly about the photos.  Actually, since Amelia has come to be, most of this book is consumed with photos of her...which is just the way I like it :)

I found some 8x8 page protectors that fit perfectly in my book.  I also love that I can print out instagrams in 8x8 to display in them!!

I've already got a LOT done in my pages for this week and a very cute Mother's day insert!!  I can't wait to share :)


Would you like to know more about Project Life? You can read all about it here. You can also check out more of my Project Life pages right here!


  1. Yup! This is great! My birthday is coming up..May ask my husband for one of these puppies! Project Life here I come!

    Janette, the Jongleur

  2. big like for your photos & pages dear janel! :)

  3. I've been following your blog for a few months now and following your adoption story which makes my heart swell! So happy for your newest addition. She is an absolute cutie pie! I just have one question for you; with all the art projects, and the knitting projects and the reading and DIY'ing and now the running a marathon (and it looks like you are also an art teacher), and the biggest of all - being Amelia's mother...do you ever sleep?? As a working mother of 1, I must say I am impressed and look to your for inspiration that I should just get off my butt and get the stuff I want to get done...DONE!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. This is the sweetest comment ever!! Thank you so much :) Yes I do sleep :) lol. We have been very blessed that Amelia sleeps at least 8 hours a night already so that gives me time to get a lot of stuff done and sleep. She is such a great baby. These days with her being so young I get to read my books to her and it works fine. Sooner she will be into the picture books and such but right now I think she just likes being close to me and hearing my voice :) I also get to be crafty with my job which is nice and gives me a chance to be doing DIY and art stuff all day long. I am a huge multi tasker so if I am watching TV or something, I am also crocheting, and blogging at the same time.

    2. AND I am soooo not going to run that race. I am going to walk/jog that race :) I will have A in a stroller so that's my excuse for not running :)

  4. Wow! a multi-tasker indeed! And reading your books to her! Why didn't I think of that?! Walking, running or crawling, you are still in the race...very cool! Can't wait to hear all about it :)


Thank you so much for commenting!! xo