25 March 2010

10 Things I heart about Spring!

Miss James posted this same topic on her cute blog today and I thought it would be fun to do as well :)
So, here are the top ten things that I LOVE about Spring :)
1. Saturday morning garage sales with my dad!

2. picnics

3. spring dresses!

4. flowers blooming

5. playing outside all day

6. and all night...

7. having the windows open

8. fresh fruit

9. ice cream :)

10. my birthday!!

What are your favorite things about Spring? Are you feeling spring weather where you are from?
It has been amazing all week and then today has been rain rain rain.
Im ready for some more sunshine!!
Have an amazing Thursday.
p.s. all images found via weheartit


  1. Beautiful post!!! I just saw James' post also & I'm in love! I live in Southern California so right now it's Spring...but give it a week or two & Summer will be here till October...I wish we had a 70 degree Spring with "April showers & May flowers"...but we just have heat! But the sun is always nice & bright & shining! =) In Spring I love: camping, picnics, the beach, bike rides, yard sales (in the good neighborhoods), fresh fruit, ice cream, floral dresses & COLOR! Happy Thursday!!!

  2. I heart spring dresses too! :) and my skin not being glow in the dark white lol
    go over to my blog and take a peek at my spring giveaway!

    xo Becky

  3. What a beautiful post Janel, I love the first signs of Spring...it's one of my most favorite times of the year!! Have a wonderful evening!

  4. I'm pretty excited about garage sales too! And homemade icecream :)

  5. I've always been a winter kind of person.. and then my second is fall.. they seem distinctive.. and then summer has the vacation and swimming feel. I always thought spring was boring bland.. but after seeing these sorts of posts.. I'm starting to change my mind. I wish I could keep spring and add swimming, without hotter weather!

  6. i have to agreeeee does are also some of my favorite thingsss! and its also my birthdayyyyyyy(:

  7. Seeing this post has made me sooo excited!!! I am so excited for it to feel like Spring and stay. Over here in the KC area the weather keeps changing sooo much!! Anoying! Have a great one Janel and I am SUPER pumped about the swap!

  8. aaaah this post made me smile! every one of these things makes me happy. i love the pictures!

    xo tiffany

  9. beautiful find janel!! i totally looove spring! it is getting warmer and warmer here... spring has arrived germany...flowers are growing and all the birds are singing and the days are so beautiful!!today is my birthday and the sun is shining! yay
    have a great weekend

  10. ooooh i love garage sales so much!
    and yes, spring dresses are the best. it's so nice when the stores sell colourful things again :)

  11. Porch parties, the beginning of baseball and the farmer's market.

  12. I wish I had my own place so I could host a pretty Spring outdoor patio party. Flowers, pretty ice cream, sundresses, big hats, and wonderfulness. One day...

  13. I love all those things about spring, too! Plus bicycling! It's really cold here today but very sunshiney so it makes me optimistic for spring to get here soon.
    I love your blog! It's like Internet sunshine!

  14. Oh how i wish it was warm. This morning I woke up to snow--:(

    I can't wait to go to yard sales and see all the beautiful flowers bloom.

  15. i love starting my garden!

  16. Ah! Lovely Spring. : ) I just ran across your blog, and it's beautiful! It's been sort of springy here lately, too - so I'm feeling the ice cream and kites cravings - but today it was totally rainy. lol.


Thank you so much for commenting!! xo