18 June 2012

Prompt 18

Okay so today's journal page has been one of my favorites to do so far!!  I am super in love with this one!

Journal Prompt:  Today is all about altering a repeat image :)  Copy an image, or images, multiple times using a copy machine, or scanner and print the images in black and white.  Use different writing tools to alter your images in many different styles.  (If you don't have access to a copier of any kind, alter images from a magazine or old pictures, do it your way and it will be awesome).

My page:

I scanned in a photobooth strip that my sister and I took at a wedding.  I changed the image to black and white in iPhoto and then I printed it out in four different sizes.  After that I grabbed my pen and began altering the images.  I love the way this turned out. I have so much fun doodling all over things so this was perfect for me :)


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  1. This is sooooo COOL!! How creative and fun your ideas are, cute pictures of you and your sister!!

    I read your father's day posts and loved them too. She's so cute, could just hold her all day!!

  2. This might be my favorite so far, wish I had a good photo booth pic! Reason to get another!

    1. Yay!! I am glad you liked this one!! I had soooo much fun doing it!

  3. I was fretting this one all day, but when I sat down to do it, it all worked out. I'm especially happy about my results today: http://mamaflock.blogspot.com/2012/06/journaling-day-18.html

    You set the bar high with your cute page, I think that's why I was stressing. Mine's pretty different than yours, but I still like it. :) Thank you!

    1. Yours turned out awesome! I am glad that you had fun doing this one. That is the most important thing :)

  4. after a LONG day of meetings, client sessions, and casenoting this was the perfect way to wind down!


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