23 May 2011

a mili...

Good morning friends and welcome to this week's edition of "A Mili" Monday.  For all of my new readers, this is a list of things that I wish I had "A Mili" to buy :)

1.  I adore this updated friendship bracelet :)  In fact, I am a sucker for all things friendship bracelet :)

2.  These hand-woven pillow covers are amazing.

3.  This quilt may actually be jumping to my MUST have list :)

4.  Another must have is a new flash drive.  I need one badly, and this one is cute :)

5.  and finally, I am loving this print so much and will be getting it some day when I have my MCM house :)

See anything you love?
Alright, I am off to work.  6 more days of school!!
I can barely contain my excitement :)
Happy Monday!



  1. The pillows are lovely! would look soo nice on my couch!

  2. Anonymous24 May, 2011

    I LOVE that quilt!
    I've had my eye on it for quite sometime now. Cute taste in items :)


Thank you so much for commenting!! xo