17 May 2010

good morning :)

And what a good morning it is :) (Besides all of the rain)
I had such a great time this weekend with my sister, my mom, and Aimee and Katie (Nicole's MIL and SIL).
We took our mothers to a little Bed and Breakfast type place at the lake for some much need rest and relaxing and Vintage shopping :)
I scored some really great things that I haven't even taken pictures of yet, but I will....promise :)
It was a pretty much un-plugged weekend.
I did find out that there is a free download for Kindle on the Mac so I read one and a half books on my computer.
Last night when I came home (to a super clean house!! thanks Adam) I was able to hop online and work on my Tell Your Story journal.
I know that I always say this but...these were my most favorite pages to do so far!
Here are some of my most recent pages:

and here is a small peek at my journal page for today...It's not finished but I love this little detail:

I'll finish it tonight. I usually do my pages in the morning before work but today I couldn't get out of my bed. I hit the snooze until 8:05 and was out the door by 8:15. It is so hard when you have a husband and a dog to snuggle with in the mornings :)
Ok, my school day is half-way over and after today, it's only 8 more days of school!
love you.


  1. sounds like a wonderful weekend to me!
    and i lovelovelove your journal pages. i swear they somehow just keep getting more awesome. do you think you could send me some of your talent??? kthanks! :)

  2. Love your newest page details. So adorable. Can't wait to see it when it is complete! Your pages are so beautiful:)
    Sounds like you had a very nice weekend with your mother. I would love to do an unplugged weekend soon. I need it!!
    And woo hoo to only 8 days left. Oh also thank you for the quick shipping of the craft swap goodies. What a great way to end my week. I loved every single thing!!

  3. cool pages :D theĆ½ are so great :) what school are you in?

    love love love

  4. I love your little doodles and illustrations! They totally make these pages!

  5. I love your pages, they're so inspiring!

  6. This is a relly nice blog!

    Cheers from Buenos Aires!

  7. that second page is sooooo pretty
    it's perfect...seriously
    i love the colours, everything!!

  8. Anonymous18 May, 2010

    I'm totally wishing I had done this class. I loved Indie Biz so much! Your pages are awesome!

  9. loving your new pages! just, loving!!!

  10. your pages are incred!!!


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