19 September 2012

a special gift

Amelia's adoption finalization is coming up so SOON!  Obviously it's not soon enough but it is soon.  I want to make Amelia a little book full of love letters from all of the people who's lives she has touched.  So many of you have played HUGE roles in bringing Amelia to our family and I would LOVE to have some love letters from you all to add into her book.
If this is something that you would like to do, please email me janel(dot)maclean(at)gmail(dot)com and I will send you the address where you can send it!!
Again, you all mean so much to our family and I would love for you all to be a part of this little "Gotcha Day" present for my sweet girl.
Thank you!


  1. What a beautiful idea. So many of your longtime readers feel so connected to your story! I love it :)

  2. so gorgeous! i recognize that giraffe! its safe baby plastic right? my sis just got one for her boy.



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