01 December 2010


It's that time again! Time to look back at goals from last month and time to create some new goals for this month!
Here is a look at last month's goals :)

Goals For November:

1. Read 2 books (I read 13)
2.  Work on Etsy shop (it's all happening behind the scenes, expect great things in the future :D)
3.  Finish Afghan (so close)
4.  Plan all Christmas Presents
5.  Make Adam's Birthday Great

Ok, so I did pretty stinking good I think.  Looks to me that I should of done less reading, and more crocheting last month.  Other than that... a 90% completion :)
And now for my December goals.

Goals For December:

1.  Read 2 books
2.  Finish the afghan for reals!
3.  Get loan approval done
4.  Create a beautiful handmade holiday space
5.  Start my quilt top
6.  Work on my December Daily journal every day!

Let's see how we do in December! It's a busy busy month.  
Did you set any goals from December?
Happy December 1.



  1. Good luck with the goals. I rarely meet all mine--probably too ambitious. Or it is the procrastination.

  2. these are gorgeous! I am definitely inspired now to make myself some goals for december. Its hard when my main goal is...

    Keep up the december daily lol

    the rest - christmas goals..dont really count cuz theyre an every year occurance!! im always inspired by your art missus! Lots of love xo

  3. Good luck with your December goals, and meeting almost all of your November ones! How awesome!

    I try to keep up with mine, but somehow always end up taking on more than I can complete.


Thank you so much for commenting!! xo